The Soul Asks ‘Why Do You Judge Me?’

Each month, as I consider the theme of my blog, I try to tap into what I’m experiencing in my body and life. At a recent meeting with my financial advisors, I found myself frustrated and overwhelmed. Like many self-employed people, I sometimes feel pressured to take a more traditional career path. 

Rather than get caught in this mindset, I decided to choose a guidance card from my Lightworker Oracle deck. 

My card said: Unplug from Mass Consciousness. 

It defined mass consciousness as a belief system based on fear, doubt, and distrust; it’s a system that tells us it’s safer to stay with the crowd and not question what we’ve been taught. It says we can’t trust the Divine to take care of our financial wellbeing.

I knew that I wanted to unplug from this consciousness, but how?

The answer I received was to release judgments. 

So many of my fears and doubts come from ideas that were passed down to me in the form of assumptions and generational constraints. Others come from my own experiences. For much of my life, I’ve allowed myself to be weighed down by my self-judgment around being deaf. I’ve dealt with impatience and lack of empathy from others; in school, when I had to say “what?” so often and ask a teacher to repeat herself, I was met with “What the heck is wrong with you? Did you clean your ears lately?” 

The impatience and frustration I felt as a result only led to me judging others. 

In order to break the cycle, I had to learn how to have a dialogue with Mary the wise, profound one and Mary the broken one. 

One tells me that my strong opinions about politicians, global warming, or even the driver who cuts me off are justified.

The other reminds me that judgment always signals stuck beliefs. And that whenever I experience judgment I am out of alignment.

So rather than allowing judgments to interfere with my journey and who I’m here to be, I can use moments of awareness to look within at my own wastefulness, greed, destruction, and carelessness. 

I can also tune in to my body and breath for additional wisdom. I know that restriction in consciousness causes restriction in the body. It manifests physically as illnesses like heart disease or cancer or in the soul and spirit as anxiety, depression, or addiction.

When I take five minutes to sit and breathe and listen to my inner life, I can stop and ask myself: Is this judgment really my belief? Or am I plugged into society’s expectations and dictates?

When I open my body to the breath and feel those fears and beliefs, those judgments can fall away. I can then manifest the life I need. 

A powerful way to do this is through breathing as community, or what I call “pod breathing.” I witness this every time I’m in the company of whales. These amazing animals often breathe as one, in the same rhythm, and they hold the highest vibration of any creature on earth. 

You may feel that doing conscious group breathing is a departure from a traditional healing path. But like my Lightworker Oracle card said, “You are brave and aware enough to think outside the square, beyond what your peers may consider normal. You are supposed to be questioning things right now.”

Continue questioning, but let the judgments go. 

Kimberly LeClair