Lessons from Whales on Connection and Community

This we have now

Is not imagination.

This is not

Grief or joy.

Not a judging state,

Or an elation,

Or sadness.

Those come

And go.

This is the presence

That doesn’t. 


Here we are, in 2024, and so many people continue to crave connection and community. What a wonderful opportunity to turn to the practical wisdom of whales! These social creatures embark on migration journeys that offer insights into our own need for collaboration.

Whales, whether leaving the Antarctic or Nova Scotia, don't all follow the same route. They disperse, heading to different destinations like Tonga or Mexico. The diversity in their journeys mirrors our own varied paths in life. Their migration, lasting 3 to 5 months, presents many challenges, especially for female whales focused on caring for their young rather than satisfying their hunger. 

When whales reunite, they celebrate with songs—it’s like a family reunion filled with gossip and storytelling and joy. 

Once they’ve reunited, hunger forces the whales to work together. Acting as a team, they swim in a circle in order to create a spiral, or vortex. This brings shrimp to the surface and makes feeding easier. There is such a beautiful synchronization at work here. They even exhale together. 

Their journey can be seen as a metaphor for our own struggles and growth. And their harmonious gathering demonstrates the importance of connection and community—and of the breath. 

In our human experience, we can use a mindful practice like WhaleBreathing to create connection. When we synchronize our breath and breathe in a circular pattern, it allows us to tap into a presence beyond ourselves, and in this energy we are nourished.

WhaleBreathing is the gateway to the divine. 

Like whales, we face challenges, we care for others, we leave, experience aloneness, and return to each other. Breathwork, especially WhaleBreathing, is a useful tool to return us to ourselves. It creates a gateway to the heart—the place where all true presence and connection begins. 

Every inhale connects us. Every exhale becomes a release, allowing negativity to surface and dissipate.

By practicing WhaleBreathing, we signal to our brains that it's safe to be still. We silence the noise within and we learn to embrace the community that exists inside our bodies. Every organ, every cell, all of our tissues and bones, are interconnected. Grounding in the breath allows harmony. For the heart to thrive, all components must collaborate harmoniously. 

Conversely, If we’re not grounded, the heart connects to the wounded part of ourselves and the brain, with all of its worries and distorted beliefs, kicks in. When we breathe or do energy work, we get the ego out of the way. 

As we continue our individual journeys, let's remember the simple wisdom of whales—the importance of community, collaboration, and the transformative power of shared breath. Embracing these lessons, we, too, can touch the harmonious, unchanging presence within.

Through Blooming Rose Healing services, individuals emerge with heightened focus, clarity, and groundedness, experiencing a profound sense of harmony throughout their entire body and within the groups that participate. 

Lisa Peterson