As we come out of a difficult year, we have to balance our desire to get moving with the reality that nesting has become pretty comfortable! We may want to stay in one place, but we’re being called to move forward into a new paradigm.
Read MoreRecently, my daughter came home after a hard day feeling scattered and overwhelmed. She needed me to listen to her without giving advice.
Read MoreLast week my former husband Israel lost his mother to COVID-19. This happened three weeks after he lost his father, also to COVID-19.
Read More“Life is so inherently flawless, even when emotions get suppressed, the Universe gently moves you one step closer to cultivating the strength and courage to face your feelings directly.”
Read MoreSome astronomers believe that the “star of Bethlehem” in the Nativity story was actually a conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars.
Read More“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” –Carl Jung
Read MoreIt was as if I heard a clear voice ask: Why hang on to the pain? I realized that it is okay to let go of suffering and acknowledge that my body has been doing the best it can.
Read MoreMy first whale encounter occurred in Tonga, an island near Fiji. I had never been on a plane for 15 hours, and had never flown over so much ocean.
Read MoreThis week I said goodbye to my 10-year-old Basset Hound, Rocky. We had been treating him for years for Addison’s disease but it was only in the last year and a half that his health declined, most likely due to cancer.
Read MoreToday I was taking a walk when I noticed my shadow and wondered what would happen if I looked down and my shadow didn’t exist?
Read MoreAs I reflect on these chaotic times, I find it difficult to unravel one single thread from the knot of current events. We have so much coming up to be healed: a pandemic, racism, political division—the list goes on.
Read MoreThis week marks the anniversary of a painful and profoundly meaningful moment in my life. I lost my newborn baby, Catherine Rose, seventeen years ago. Blooming Rose Healing was named in her honor.
Read MoreThough life does seem determined to be a beautiful, and entrancing distraction...our participation in this dance of distraction also makes more real, and more necessary, our ability to return to essential ground, to an essential person or an essential work. -David Whyte
Read MoreI find it helpful to recognize that disruption is always evidence that consciousness is transforming. And oftentimes we receive wake-up calls in the form of physical manifestations. So how can we use this challenging time to accept change and perhaps even find inspiration? How can we shift our reactions?
Read MoreLast month I was in California for a weekend event with English poet David Whyte. As I was listening to him share some of his beautiful poems about friendship, my best friend was dying of cancer.
Read MoreAs we welcome a new year, it’s natural to think about new beginnings and set goals for what we’d like to manifest in our lives. We may set resolutions, join a gym, create a vision board, or commit to a self-care regime. But our efforts won’t be effective if we don’t first make room in our physical and energetic body for change.
Read MoreIn order to experience higher vibrations, you have to integrate the lower vibrations. You can do this by coming into the moment and breathing. This opens your heart, your oxygen levels increase, and your vibration rises.
Read More“You are brave and aware enough to think outside the square, beyond what your peers may consider normal. You are supposed to be questioning things right now.”
Read MoreWhen we connect with our breath, we are clearer about our values, beliefs, and who we are in the world. It impacts everything around us. It heals others.
Read MoreAny time there is loss there is grief. And that grief can have lasting, profound effects on our physical and emotional health. Grief carries powerful information, yet it’s our human nature to want to avoid it.
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